General Blabbering


I woke up this morning and realized I hadn’t made a post on yesterday to match the deadlines I’ve set for myself. Upon realizing that I started thinking about what to post and decided I would make the most of the situation and tie my updates to and together and answer a couple questions. So here I am going to answer the question… Where? It seems like such a simple question, but by adding just a few words to the question shapes it into a vastly new discussion.

Where… have you been in your life?

Now I don’t mean that so much in a literal sense, but in a more metaphysical way (as all this entire post is geared to), a more reflective and looking forward type of view. So where have I been? It’s something I’ve thought about quite a bit lately with the move to a new state and finally being brave enough to start my own company. I’ve had a pretty good life up to this point and can only see more good things in my future. Not that it won’t be without it’s problems, but overall I really don’t have much to complain about regarding my life. I’ve been married to two wonderful people. Now some of you are sitting in wonder at that statement, the bottom line is they both made me happy for a good portion of my life. I still care very much for both of them and hope they are happy now, and continue to be so. I can’t see that I would ever want to reconcile with either of them, but I don’t wish them ill will either. I’ve got four wonderful kids that while I may not be the best at expressing to them, I am proud of each one of them as they continue to grow older and the people they are becoming.

I’ve also had the benefit of working with some great people in my various jobs that have all helped shape me into the person I am now that gives me the confidence to continue to help other people with their technology issues as I continue moving forward on a career path that excites me every morning. Each day gives me new chances to see what I might be able to learn, who I might have the fortune to help in their understanding, and the new opportunities that may present themselves in the area of technology. When you can wake up every morning, spend hours and hours through the day doing what earns you a living, and you don’t consider it work, then you have a complete mastery of your life.

Where… are you at now in your life?

Currently I am in one of the toughest places of my life that I have ever been in. This statement is not meant to be in contradiction to how the previous paragraph ended, but rather as a clarifying statement. Right now life is not as easy as it could be, but nothing truly worthwhile in life comes easily. I could have continued in my old career path, showing up every day at my job (that I loved), working for someone else (couldn’t ask for a better employer), and earning a steady paycheck to allow me to support my family fairly decently (we didn’t have a lot of things, but I was always able to balance our needs with our wants so we enjoyed ourselves as often as was feasible). Instead I chose to take a chance, move my kids to someplace new so they could expand their understanding of the world, I could take the chance to build something that would have the potential to not only support my family now, but into the future if built up properly. Making a change is always risky, but when considered with the potential rewards sometimes you have to take those risks to make a better future. You can’t let your life settle into too much of a rut, instead you need to be on the constant lookout for chances you might want to take just to see where those paths lead.

Where… are you heading?

This is a question that I wish I could answer, but at the same time I’m glad I can’t. If I knew where I was headed I might change a decision because of that knowledge which would then affect where I was heading. Yep, I just blew your mind if you REALLY read that last sentence. I don’t know where I am heading. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that it’s going to be a heck of a ride as I head there. So stick around, strap in tight, and enjoy the ride with me. There’s going to be some bumpy stretches, but it will all be well worth it. Let’s just enjoy the trip so when we do reach the end we can look back in fondness and say to ourselves, “Yeah, that was a blast.”

Now, what’s around this corner here?


P.S. I answered the next “W” on my company blog at – “Why…”

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