General Blabbering To My Scattered Thoughts Go...

Time is a vicious bitc… BEAST!!!

Wow! Almost think I should wait another 10 days to make this post to make it an even 2 years since my last posting. Hey, I’ll take whatever records I can! I’ve recently gotten the urge to begin my ramblings again and so I hopped on back over here to see what sorts of things were going on, and what do you know? NADA.

Oh, LOT’S has changed, that much is a fact, Veronica and I are no longer together, actually it’s been about 5-7 months depending on how you want to look at it, but sometimes things just aren’t going to work and you have to be comfortable to accept that for the good of all parties involved.

I’ve been living with my great friends Jim and Vanessa and their entourage for over a year now (Veronica and I originally moved here together to try to get back on top of things, but that was just us being naive and thinking it was all financial that was causing us to fail as a couple (BOTH of us failed, neither one is more “at fault” than the other, at least as far as I am concerned) it just wasn’t meant to be. As much as we had similar lines of thought on so many things, there were so many others that didn’t mesh.

Anyway…. work is steadily picking up, though not reliably enough to help me and Brent get moved into our own place (oh, and Billy moved back to CA) but I can see the train picking up steam and heading towards a new station. I’ve got some of the best clients in the world who are not at all shy about recommending my services, my biggest struggle at this point with work is keeping on top of the communications. There are days I go steady and barely get time to even look at my phone, let alone respond to the incoming calls, then the next day I fail to follow up properly. Working on different methods to overcome this, but it’s still very much a work in progress.

Photography. That’s (one of) my new past-times. I recently had the ability to upgrade to an actual DSLR camera and joined a local photography club that has some amazing members in it that are more than willing to share their knowledge. I’ve only attended one meeting so far (2nd one is tomorrow morning) but I can tell from the photos they shared at the last meeting that there is a LOT for me to learn from this group. I also started a new website (you know, because I’m so good at keeping up with maintaining them with fresh content?) and will hopefully be sharing that soon. Still need to finish the design of it and decide what I actually want to be posting on it. I submitted two photos for the groups monthly project, this month was titled “Shapes”.  Currently you can find them on my Facebook page, but I’ll try to get them posted here (WordPress is being odd which is why I don’t like using it anymore, ONE day I’ll swap this site off of it).

Well, guess that’s enough blabbering for now. There’s lots more I could go on about, like the fact that I am still toying with the idea of doing some sort of a “daily?” vlog, but it may end being more of a “when I think about it” vlog. I don’t know, some things come full circle and make you start wondering if there is a reason for it. Some things you realize never went “away” just laid dormant for a period while you explored another part of your life. Either way, I see good things ahead and hope you’ll enjoy taking the ride with me as we explore what’s around the next bend (or possibly what’s already on the stretch of road we are on?)

Til another 2 years (I hope not)


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