“the one”
A lot of people believe in the concept that there is that “one” person out there who is their soul-mate and their quest in life is to find that person. I’m pretty sure I used to be a member of that group, but over the years my view on that, especially in the last couple years, has changed. Because of the people I have dated since becoming single again I am now pretty confident that there isn’t any one person, but rather different people who, if you are lucky enough to cross paths with, could possibly be the “one” for you at that time in your life. Should you both decide to merge your paths together and see where it takes you there are two possible results.
The first would be that you grow together and continue to keep enriching each other’s lives and have a long love-filled journey that you share. Alternatively, you could share yourself with another for a time, but find that as you continue to grow and learn more about both yourself and life in general, you realize that you two aren’t meant to be together for the long term. This doesn’t mean you have wasted your time with them, quite the contrary, BECAUSE of that time spent you have been shaped into the person you are now. Without a doubt there were life decisions that were made during that time together that affect you for the rest of your time on this world. I’ve never understood the bitter separations where both parties end up absolutely loathing each other. For at least a part of your life that person was the most important person to you, how could those feelings be turned so far inside out that the mere thought of them revolts you now?
A few nights ago I was talking with a friend who I’ve known for a long time now, and we our discussing included some of the women that I’ve been involved with in my life. She encouraged me to make sure that one in particular was aware of how I felt about her the next time we were together. A few nights later I was together with that person, but didn’t initiate “the talk” as we had referred to it. It wasn’t because I was unsure of my feelings, or that I was scared of the possible negative outcome, or any of the other myriad possibilities people might attribute to the fact that I didn’t “step up”. It was simply because right now, at this moment in my life, I am enjoying my “freedom” from a personal attachment to another person. That’s not to mean that I wouldn’t fully embrace having a special someone to share my life with. Rather I am just looking forward to enjoying the journey I am on right now without trying to artificially direct where it leads me.
I am open to whatever the future holds, right now (at least in my head) there are a few people I would love to see things move forward towards a relationship. I also know there are more people for me to meet and when the time is right things will start moving in that direction with someone. Each one of these women holds a special place in my heart, even though things didn’t work out in the past for us doesn’t mean the future is determined. I hope that makes sense to at least some of you and I’m not sure why this has been on my mind so much lately. Maybe I’ll look back at some point and think that I should have done something differently, but I’m going on the belief that life will unfold as it is meant to. If I’m meant to say or do something that helps to advance a relationship with someone then it will happen. Just because I don’t at this moment, doesn’t mean that her and I aren’t meant to be together, but rather that we aren’t meant to at this particular point in time.
Just thought I’d get back to sharing a bit more of my personal thoughts and feelings with all of you. It’s because of all the people that I have in my life that I have had the courage to make the decisions that I have. The simple fact that I know I have so many people’s support and love makes it much easier to choose what direction to head my life in. I love each and every one of you and know that no matter what I might decide to do, it will be with your unwavering support, and that makes it so much easier to get through the rough patches.
Trust me though, when I do find someone to once again share my life with, every one of you will know it!