The good… and the bad… (nothing ugly about it)
Life always amazes me, the way things can change so rapidly from one extreme to the other. You could be at one of your lowest points and the most off-the-wall thing may turn it all around. Or you could be riding high feeling like nothing could bring you down. That is when you are your most vulnerable, and I’ve always been a MAJOR proponent of taking those risks, putting yourself out there, whether it is for work, family, love, whatever it may be, take advantage of the moment because you never know when it might end.
But you also have to be a bit careful, I know that seems contradictory, but you have to be cognisant of everyone around you. Make sure you are not making assumptions, or making people feel taken advantage of. Be in the moment, but also be fully aware of the moment and everyone else involved. I have always been accused (and rightly so) of being overly-optimistic and speaking so absolute, even about things that are not an absolute. My thinking always has been, if you believe in something so much, and you portray that positive outlook, then positive things will happen. That doesn’t always mean what you hoped would happen does, but I do firmly believe that something good comes out of whatever you stay positive about.
On the flip side of that is when you are really down and you think nothing in the world could possibly go right for you. (Sometimes you are taken right to this point from the other). However, it may be the most random, off the wall action, sometimes by a complete stranger who has no idea of what they have done for you, that breaks you out of that feeling. Maybe you just receive some random text from someone saying they are thinking about you, or some stranger comes up and comments on your shirt, or your hair. They probably had no idea where your mind was, and how much their little comment meant to you.
I challenge everyone who reads this, the next time you are out in public, pay attention to your surroundings and find something positive to say about someone you see. You never know how it might help them with their day, then they in turn may help someone else. Maybe it even reaches someone who has come to the conclusion that there is no longer any sense in continuing on. You never know what the ripple affect of one small act of kindness might be, so create as many ripples as you can, and challenge yourself to brighten one persons day, each and every day.
That’s all I have for today. It’s been a bit of a tough week for me, but as always, I’ll come through with something good from it. I just have to stay positive.