General Blabbering

Science projects are fun…

If I keep repeating that to myself will I eventually believe it? This weekend is going to be spent putting together Brent’s first science project. I’ve searched around online until finding a project idea that I think he’ll find entertaining while he still learns something (the science behind it won’t be so great, but it’s my thinking that the real reason behind 3rd grade science projects is just to build up their interest and give them the basics of how to methodically approach a question to find answers).

What are we going to do for his project?

Burn candles. I had never thought about this question before, so I’m kind of curious for the answer myself, but we have gotten 2 identical tapered candles. Placed one in the freezer last night, and shortly we will take it out and light both of them, keeping tabs on their burn rates to see if they burn at the same speed. Does freezing candle wax cause it to burn differently? I’ll have to let you all know in my next post. I’m going to cut this one short now so we can go start getting setup for his experiment.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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