General Blabbering

Risk versus reward… no contest in my mind.

With every passing moment I become more and more sure of the decisions I am making and the route my life is beginning to take. I wish I could explain to everyone around me WHY I have such a confident feeling about all of this, and for someone that is so used to knowing just what to say it’s a bit frustrating that at this critical time there are some people I can’t explain it to. The closest I think I can come to it is a bit of a reiteration from a previous posting. The fact that my entire adult life has been spent playing the “safe” bets to ensure I could continue to support my family instead of going after what I truly wanted. Or maybe it is due to all of the events happening around the entire world that is making me look at life a little differently and attempt to make each day has fulfilling as I can. I could just continue to get through life, or I could take some chances (some of them with possibly horrible results if they don’t work out like I think they will) but I don’t want to keep going around afraid to take a chance because it might not work out like I hope.

Is the possibility of that ultimate happiness really there? I think it is and I want to do everything possible to try to make it finally happen for me. When I start really enjoying each and every day like I should I know it will rub off on everyone around me and we can all become that ridiculously happy family that everyone wishes they could be. There could be horrible consequences my taking some of these chances, and if I had the ability to see into the future maybe I wouldn’t take them. But I don’t have that ability so I just have to make the decisions that seem right for me and my kids and hope they turn out just like I envision them to.

I know everyone else isn’t at that same point and can’t quite imagine that things could work out so well. They are wondering where the glitch in the whole thing is going to come from and worried about what the consequences of that glitch are. But I want to shoot for the moon for once, even if I only make it to the stars it will still be an amazing journey. If I can bring those I care most about with me and we can enjoy the trip together I don’t think we’ll mind WHERE we end up because the ride there is going to be so much fun.

I don’t know if that helps anyone to feel more at ease with these decisions, especially those that could be affected most by them, but with any luck they will soon decide for themselves that the potential happiness that could come from all of this is FAR greater than the possible risk and will become more at ease with taking some of those chances with me. I can be patient and wait for them to come to those conclusions on their own. I realize that is just another part of this whole process. All I can do is be as confident and comforting as possible for them.


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