Que sera sera…
A few posts back I went on a grandiose stage and declared that you had to make yourself happy in order to make those around you happy. And I whole heartedly meant (and mean) every word. But sometimes, on occasion, it is actually being around someone that makes you so happy that everyone else around you benefits as well. It’s a bit self-serving, but at the same time, if you are being true to who you are at your core, then it’s a win all around.
Life is far from simple, and things can never be without their… um… difficulties. Sometimes though you just have to use those difficult and challenging moments to help you realize the true value of what they represent. I’ve become quite a fan of a group called We The Kings, and they have a lyric in one of their songs that goes, “Without the dark the light won’t show”, every time I listen to the song that lyric jumps out at me. If we didn’t have some tough times, how could we possibly appreciate the rest of our lives?
I wrote a letter recently (and by recently I mean I JUST wrote another letter) and in it I expressed something I wanted to share here. We have no control in how a person comes into our lives, but we are in complete control of the place of importance that person holds with us. We can’t always allow the way we came to know someone affect who they are to us. We also can’t allow the views of others to influence the importance of the people we want in our lives. It can seem a bit selfish, but it also returns to the post I mentioned earlier, that if you don’t do what makes you happy first and foremost, then those around you won’t be able to share in that joy. Those who truly care about you will see the joy that fills you because of this other person, it may take them awhile to accept it, but they will know and should be happy for you.
It’s sometimes funny how there can be so many questions left in your life, but if you are on a path to happiness, then those questions become less important. Small pebbles along the path, possibly larger boulders, but they are simply causing a delay in your following the path that makes you happy, and will only stop you dead in your tracks if you allow them to.
I hope these writing mean something to some of you. I know some important ones around me are enjoying my little ramblings, and I would like to think there are some others of you out there that do as well. I’m always open to hearing some feedback, and look forward to hopefully sharing happiness I find in my life with all of you. If I can make just one other person smile, then I’d consider this blog a roaring success.