I think I may actually be starting to get into the groove of this blogging thing. I find it therapeutic and relaxing to make these posts one of my final tasks of each day, giving me a chance to reflect on the day (or whatever the hell else my mind seems to settle on, as if my mind ever settles on ANY one thing). Anyway, I enjoy writing, and I’ve been getting some positive feedback that quite a few of my friends (excuse me, stalkers) enjoy my ranting (excuse me again, blogging) and look forward to see what I might have to say next. I can only equate that to these singers who talk about people singing their songs back to them at concert. I saw an interview with Garth Brooks once where the interviewer asked Garth if he minded people singing BACK at him at concerts. Garth’s answer was very enlightening, he said he didn’t mind in the slightest and it actually gave him a thrill that so many people knew his songs well enough to sing them back. And this was shortly before he “retired” several years ago, so he was HUGE at the time and was still humble enough to not just expect people to know them, but actually appreciated his audience for it.
OK, THAT was quite a sidestep, but the topic that’s been on my mind today is the “Overshare” concept that writing about your days in this matter some people have. Yes, what I am basically doing is writing in my little diary… “Dear diary, She LOOKED at me today! I was so excited! Maybe some day soon I’ll get the nerve up to talk to her!”… OK, I’m not doing that (at least I don’t THINK I am?) but it is still a diary of sorts, from time to time I’ll click back through to old posts and memories flood back about what I was thinking at the time I wrote a particular post. The only difference is that this diary is out in the public for all to see. But that’s who I am, I don’t hide behind false fronts and pretend to be something I’m not. I always try my best to be true and honest to myself. I’m human, I’ve failed at times (and I will again in the future) but I try to recognize those failings and use them to learn and grow).
With that all said, since this IS a public diary, I do try to “protect the innocent, persons depicted in these stories may or may not be you”, which is why I will very rarely name names. I am particularly generic as much as possible when I can be without losing the concept of what it is I am trying to put out there. This creates it’s own set of issues as friends and family read them and try to fill in who I am talking about themselves. But the one thing I can say with a fairly high level of certainty in that regard is if you THINK I am talking about you, there is a better than even chance that I am NOT. I usually leave just enough detail in the story so that those directly involved in it will KNOW it is them, if you don’t know without a shadow of a doubt, it’s probably better to assume I am not talking about you. Except for you, yes you, no not you, you over there, yes you, yeah, that was you I was talking about.
Winning! Duh!
Oh, and a quick PS… tomorrow I might actually have something of value to post here, heading over in the morning with the boys and some friends to some Civil War Reenactments, and then in the evening my first UFC get together. I’ll do my best to get pics (and maybe even some video up on Youtube?) No promises, but at least I should have something to actually write about!