Today marks my 3rd day in a row that I’ve posted here… amazing what little things we will find to call attention to. Today was quite an interesting day, but then again, most days are interesting. I’ve found a new groove in getting some work done by setting up my office at home once again. Of course I’m not in full production mode since I’m still getting things in place and figuring out what works best for me. I’m going to find a nice upswing in the amount of work I’ll be able to output from this new setup I’m sure.
While working on getting everything placed around my desk I hopped onto my Hulu Plus account to catch up on a couple older episodes of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. One of them had Elton John as a guest and they were talking about Elton’s favorite songs to play and record. He listed a few off and I jumped onto YouTube to look at some old videos of him playing those songs. Well, as you can probably well imagine it doesn’t take long when looking up Elton John on YouTube to stumble across Candle In The Window (the Princess Di version). I clicked on it and watched his performance again from her funeral. He was obviously fighting all the way through the song to hold his composure, it is one of the most touching live performances I can recall ever seeing. That naturally then got me thinking of the royal wedding that was upcoming but is actually now getting ready to start with guests showing up. (I’ll admit it, I paused while typing that line to go find a live stream to tap into). And as long as this is confession time, I also did my best to stay up all night 30 years ago to see Prince Charles and Lady Di tie the not. I wasn’t even 12 at the time, and I’m not sure why I wanted to watch, maybe it was that part of me that knew it was a big milestone in history and I wanted to try to be a part of it.
I’ve been basically disinterested in this wedding of Prince William and and Kate Middleton, but now that I am sitting here, and with the way things kind of pushed me in this direction tonight, I may just stick it out and watch it on the internet. I’m finding myself to be more interested in the why’s of how society works, and since events such as this will be the moments people use as their “where were you when…” topics of conversation. Every generation has their fair share of these moments during their lifetimes, there have been several in mine, one of the earliest (at least that I can recall) was the Royal Wedding back in 1981, the space shuttle explosions, Reagan being shot, 9/11, and now this wedding. (Several others in there I am sure I left out, some purposely such as Michael Jackson’s death, but that wasn’t this same type of moment for me). MJ’s death was one of those incredulous moments you can’t believe has actually happened, yet some part of you can (and does) believe it and just realizes that it was almost inevitable.
As long as we got off onto the tangent of deaths, my trip down memory lane this evening while online, brought me around to the death of John Ritter. That was another one of those moments that I was just awestruck at the thought of it. I wasn’t watching his then current show “8 Rules”, but I always enjoyed everything I ever saw him in and understood what a substantial loss to all of us he was. To wrap up this morbid topic (who chose tonights topic anyway?!?!) (Ooohhhhhh!!! There’s another pet peeve, choose/chose… hang on let me attempt to finish one line of thought before starting another) back to wrapping up the morbidity, as I am growing older, I’m realizing that some of the people from my generation will now start succumbing to that most inevitable of life’s milestones, death. It’s just the nature of it all that I will start hearing of icons from MY generation passing on. Strange to think, but par for the course.
So now, choose/chose… people, please try to get this one straight, (I’m seeing people go nuts on this live stream as people approach and enter the cathedral, and I have NO clue who the hell they are and there is no announcer on CNN to help the casual viewer such as myself, that’s a big fail CNN, you don’t have a SINGLE person able to commentate over this thing? Pitiful) But I digress again, so where was I? Oh yeah, choose/chose… you can CHOOSE to continue reading this nonsensical and rambling blog, but then don’t blame me after the fact for the option you CHOSE. Get it?! CHOOSE (two O’s) would be referring to something in the present, something you are currently in the process of CHOOSING, while chose is past tense and would refer to something that had been CHOSEN in the past. It’s really pretty simple, so could you please stop screwing it up?
OK, I’ll spare you and move on for the night. 3 posts in a row, I’m not saying anything, or attempting to commit to anything, I’m just impressed I made it this far. And even more impressed that you’ve made it this far into this post! But I’m going to get going and see what I can find on this royal wedding live streams. Youtube has one starting in about 1/2 of an hour, maybe I’ll try to watch that if I am still up and alert enough to care at that time. If I do, I’ll probably comment my way through the wedding on my Facebook page, which you can find at head on over there if you want to see what my thoughts were on the Royal Wedding as it took (takes?) place. Oohhhh, did CNN see my post before I even hit submit? Looks like they might put a commentator on… that would be too creepy, I make a comment about it and they do it moments later, almost like they are WATCHING ME!!!
OK, off to get my tinfoil hat, some more caffeine, and watch this historic event that tomorrow I’ll ask myself why the F I stayed up for this?