To My Scattered Thoughts Go...

Let’s talk…

Do you try to make those you care about most happy?

Actually, let’s take a just a small step back… are YOU happy?

If you aren’t happy, and/or aren’t going after what makes you happy, then how can you expect to even ATTEMPT to make those around you happy? Making other’s happy starts with you. Sure there is some validity to the fact that making others happy can make you happy, but I’d like to expand on that a bit and change it instead to read, “Making other’s happy can make you happier”. So you need to start at the core, YOU.

As a parent, it is also our responsibility to do what we can to make our children happy. And I agree with that statement, again, to a point. Sometimes even a parent needs to be a little selfish for the good of all those around. I read an article recently that discussed reasons why people let their careers direct their lives. One of the arguments given was that you couldn’t afford to leave the job because then you couldn’t provide. Let’s turn that on it’s ear just a bit though, if you are unhappy in your job that WILL reflect back to those around you. So then it becomes more a question of do you want certain things in your life or do you want to be happy?

I’m not sure what my exact message is here, so I’ll just leave you with a final thought. If you were to make sure you were happy, what do you think that would do for those around you?


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