Ever notice those seemingly strange coincidences that happen from time to time? I had one today I thought I would share. I received a call from a potential new client who mentioned the Blues Brothers. You remember the Blues Brothers right? Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi in what was almost definitely their most recognized roles as Jake and Elwood Blues? I hadn’t heard about that movie or any reference to it in quite awhile (thinking something like a few years anyway).
Well, I receive a daily “Inspirational Quote” email from Audri and Jim Lanford’s service which you can also receive by visiting their website and signing up yourself. As I’m going through my emails just a bit ago I saw that I received today’s Inspirational Quote that includes a “Do you know what happened on this date in the past?” section. Did you know… that today is Blues Brother Day? In 1980, the “Blues Brothers” movie starring Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi premiered in Chicago, Illinois. Sing the blues today!” (taken from their email today, verbatim by the way).
It always amazes me these strange coincidences we have as we go through our daily lives. Comment below, and share your coinkidinks below!
Have a great weekend, and to those Father’s out there. Enjoy your Father’s Day. I will be attending the Prescott Valley Balloon Festival in a few hours and will post some photos here and more to Facebook after the event. Then having the kids over and “grilling and chilling” with my love, Veronica and just enjoying the kids/grandkids for the day. Wish I could have all my kids and grandkids with me, but I’ll settle for whichever can be here. At least next weekend I’ll get to see Damian and my daughter (pics from that too!) so that will be a slightly delayed Father’s Day gift for me.
Don’t forget, share your thoughts below.