Change is in the air!
It’s been awhile since my last post (big surprise there eh?). And there is quite a bit to report. First, I’ve started a job working for a company here that delivers home medical equipment. This doesn’t mean that I’ve given up on my own business (quite the contrary as this will now allow me to slowly develop the business instead of worrying about picking up whatever job I can so I can attempt to pay the bills). The kids are all doing pretty well, Josh is challenging a couple courses to ensure he can graduate because he informs me that his school neglected to tell him about 2 classes he needs. One of them he took, but because of the wording on his transcript from Hemet High it doesn’t “qualify”, the other is Arizona history. He will be challenging both classes so hopefully he passes and can graduate with his class at the end of the year. Billy is excelling in band, unfortunately he is slacking in most of the other traditional classes. I realize some of it is teenage angst and some is just hereditary (yep, I wasn’t the best of students) but I’m really hoping he comes around before he has to repeat a grade like his older brother did. Trying to impress upon him that it isn’t necessarily WHAT he is learning, but more about HOW to find the answers he needs. School is more about life lessons then actual education. That information is necessary, but there is a bigger picture to consider. And finally Brent has really started to catch on and even won an award in January for “Most Improved Student”. When we first moved out here and he started 3rd grade, he was actually just barely where he should have been the last few months of 1st grade. Now he is closer to where he would have been at the start of this year and is continuing to excel. The school system out here just seems so much more in tune with kids struggling and that each student is a unique challenge. Instead of labeling them as troublesome, they work with the kids to find out how they learn and then focus on those strengths.
On the work front, as I stated, I’ve started a new job and while it is exactly what I was looking for (something I could show up each day, do my job, and return home to focus on moving my business forward) I’ve got to say I have a newfound respect for people who work jobs such as this day in and day out for years and years. Everyone knows I thrive and a good challenge, and this job has those, but not nearly as many as I need. Thankfully starting your own business DOES offer them and it makes for a good balance. That’s not to say the job isn’t rewarding, showing up at someone’s home and getting them setup with the equipment they need to make their life a bit easier as their health starts to decline, is a great feeling. That is balanced out by finding out they have moved on to a better place (just started Monday and I’ve already had 2 patients we delivered equipment for pass on). It’s quite humbling, but I’m glad I can assist the families and let them know that they don’t have to concern themselves so much with the medical needs of their family/friend, and can instead focus on just being there for them. We will take care of the rest of it as much as possible. My mind is filled with suggestions for the owner of the company to make improvements, still a little early to know the best way to approach him with these suggestions, so I’ll just keep storing them away in my head and hope that the end result is something that will be mutually beneficial. I now have the luxury of taking the next year or two and slowly ramping up my business, and do my best to prepare for the day that I’m ready to completely venture off onto my own. In the meantime, while I work on my business, I’ll try to help improve the company I work for as I have always done.
I’m getting out a lot more (thanks to the guidance of my older brother) and meeting/making lots more friends. Another benefit of having the part time job is I can focus on just building my friendships around town. Get to know both the people better and the town, and as my friends increase, the opportunities for work will grow as well. I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I am actually enjoying being single and am just doing what I do. When the time is right I’ll come across a special someone, and it will work out just as it was meant to. I may even already know that someone, could be from my past, or anyone. My mind is completely open to the possibilities that await me and I look forward to see where it all takes me.
Thanks for stopping by, I’m not even going to try to make the promise to post on a more regular schedule. Let’s just leave it with a simple, so long until next time we meet…