To My Scattered Thoughts Go...


Well, here we are. Just nine days away from the big 50, the FIVE-OH, the half-century… how’s it going you say? Well, it’s interesting, I’ll give it that. These past few months have been quite trying and sometimes I wonder how we continue to move forward but given the alternative what else are you going to do?

My youngest graduated high school in May of this year and followed that up a few weeks post-graduation with a visit to the emergency room with respiratory failure. Thank goodness for Kat, if she hadn’t been there to provide her medical knowledge I have a feeling we may have had a much bleaker outcome. With her vigilance at his bedside, we were able to avoid intubation and he ended up spending 5 days in CVICU (Cardio-Vascular ICU) followed by 3 days on various other floors as he continued to improve. We still don’t have any definitive answers as to what happened or why but he is seeing specialists down in Phoenix to help us get those answers.

Then in July, I got up one evening from bed to use the restroom. I had gone to bed a bit early and Kat was still up. My toes caught in one of the dog kennels in our room and I ended up going over the top of the kennel door (placing a nice gash down the front of my right thigh) and landed on my left shoulder. I laid there for a moment, Kat thought when I hollered while falling that one of the dogs had jumped on me in my sleep (I don’t respond well to that) and didn’t think anything more of it. After a brief period on the floor I got myself up, my leg and shoulder were throbbing and climbed back into bed and laid there for a few moments. I decided I should get up and let Kat know what had happened but when I threw the covers back I instantly felt like I was freezing so I didn’t get out of bed. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep and Kat wasn’t aware of what had happened until the morning. By then I felt just sore and I had a nice scar forming on my thigh with an ache in my shoulder. We’ll return to this story in a later post.

There is still more, but this is getting to be a bit lengthy so I’ll pause for now and return later. Thanks for taking the time to get this far. I look forward to sharing more with you.

Bye for now.

  • Greg

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